Programa de formación y certificación de instructores de Barre

IBBFA: la formación de profesores de Barre en línea más grande y extensa del mundo

The Barre Body Challenge is Here!!

A new class outline and playlist is available now on BarreZen! This month, the format of the class is a bit different. You will actually see three fully choreographed dances to help students get their heart rate up! The Barre Body Challenge is designed to push participants to try new things while achieving their goals! Each week has a theme song and focus to keep the 10 week challenge interesting and exciting for instructors and participants. If you have never done a challenge with your students before, this is an amazing way to build a community of warriors and make a lasting impact on your facility and students! We had one of our incredible Certified Instructors write for the manual on ways to boost Metabolism and loose weight safely and effectively.

barre body challenge

Barre Body Challenge

When you introduce your students to the challenge, encourage them to write down a goal that can be attained in 10 weeks. Depending on the number of participants, you may want to pair people up with each other or instructors to be accountability partners throughout the course of the challenge. One of the most common challenges people face is attending all of the classes required. We all know that frequent attendance boosts results tremendously but some weeks, the challenge is to attend two classes in one day or 5 classes in a week! That can be difficult for clients so find ways to offer different times and types of classes to accommodate if possible.  The other major hurdle people face is the added focus on healthful, mindful eating. It is strongly encouraged to eat smaller meals throughout the day so blood sugar levels can remain stable and participants can maintain their energy for the extra workouts! Many participants in the past have said this part of the challenge is the hardest to keep up with but when it becomes habit, they continue the practice long after the 10 weeks have passed.

The final recommendation for studios embarking on the Barre Body challenge is to create some sort of forum or social media group. You can easily create a private Facebook group for paid participants. Many of the weeks’ challenges include posting and sharing during the challenge. Have fun with your students and get creative! Get some fun shirts made, have a kick-off party and throw an amazing 90 minute “sweat fest”, go on field trips to the farmer’s market, go on hikes and keep each other motivated! Summer is around the corner…will it be your clients’ best season ever??

barre body challenge

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